The Stockdale family was one of the families featured on the popular reality TV show, Extreme Home Makeover. The show chronicled the journey of several families as they received the surprise of their lives in the form of a complete home renovation. Ty Pennington and a team of designers and constructors collaborated to create a house that would help a streak of families overcome tragedy, loss, and harsh conditions. The Stockdale family was dealing with more than just a dilapidated house. With four children suffering from a rare disease called eosinophilic enteropathy, parents Ryan and Karia had to deal with several issues.
The Show’s Impact on the Stockdale Family
The Stockdale family received a complete home renovation on the show, which helped them overcome several challenges. However, since the show, the family has endured other hurdles. It’s currently unclear what happened to the patriarch, Timothy, but the whole family is now keeping a low profile . Calvin Stockdale and Charles Stockdale moved out of Stark County, and they are no longer part of the band. With the two older sons moving from their home, the murder of the youngest son, and the imprisonment of Jacob, the only people left in the family band are their dad and family friend Joe Steiner .
The Stockdale Family’s Current Status
The Stockdale family seems to have scattered from their Stark County farm. Calvin moved north to Michigan, and Charles also moved away. It’s currently unclear what happened to the patriarch, Timothy, but the whole family is now keeping a low profile . Ryan Stockdale, one of the sons, was hospitalized in 2016 after he shot his mother and brother before turning the gun on himself. He was recently released from the hospital .
The Stockdale family’s story is one of the most tragic stories to come out of the show. Despite the family’s struggles, they have continued to persevere and overcome the challenges that life has thrown their way. While it’s unclear what the future holds for the family, we hope that they continue to find strength and support in their community and loved ones.