How to Solve the Opposite of Liability NYT Crossword Clue

If you are a fan of crossword puzzles, you may have encountered the clue “opposite of a liability” in the New York Times crossword. This clue has appeared several times in different puzzles, and it can be tricky to figure out the answer. In this article, we will explain what this clue means, how to solve it, and some tips and tricks to improve your crossword skills.

What is a liability?

Before we can find the opposite of a liability, we need to understand what a liability is. According to Merriam-Webster, a liability is “something that someone is responsible for; especially: a financial obligation or debt”. For example, a mortgage, a loan, or a credit card debt are all liabilities. They are money that you owe to someone else, and they reduce your net worth.

What is the opposite of a liability?

The opposite of a liability is something that increases your net worth, or something that you own and can benefit from. The most common word for this is an asset. According to Merriam-Webster, an asset is “a valuable person or thing; something that is owned by a person, company, etc.” For example, a house, a car, or a stock are all assets. They are money that you have invested or earned, and they increase your net worth.

Therefore, the answer to the clue “opposite of a liability” is ASSET. This is a five-letter word that fits the crossword grid. However, there may be other possible answers, depending on the context and the theme of the puzzle. For example, some synonyms of asset are boon, gain, or perk. Some antonyms of liability are advantage, benefit, or strength. You may need to look at the surrounding clues and letters to narrow down the options and find the correct answer.

How to improve your crossword skills

Solving crossword puzzles can be a fun and rewarding hobby, but it can also be challenging and frustrating at times. If you want to improve your crossword skills and solve clues like “opposite of liability” faster and easier, here are some tips and tricks to help you:

  • Read the clue carefully and look for any hints or wordplay. Sometimes, the clue may have a double meaning, a pun, an anagram, or a hidden word. For example, the clue “opposite of a liability” could also mean “a person who is very helpful or valuable”, which is another definition of asset.
  • Use a crossword dictionary or a thesaurus to find synonyms or antonyms of the words in the clue. This can help you expand your vocabulary and find more possible answers. For example, if you look up liability in a thesaurus, you may find words like burden, drawback, or risk, which can help you find the opposite word.
  • Check the number of letters and the pattern of the answer. This can help you eliminate some of the wrong answers and focus on the ones that fit the grid. For example, if the answer has five letters and the first letter is A, you can rule out words like boon, gain, or perk, and focus on words like asset, aid, or ally.
  • Cross-check the answer with the other clues and letters in the grid. This can help you confirm or correct your answer and fill in the gaps. For example, if the answer is asset, you can check the clues for the letters that cross with it, such as A, S, E, and T, and see if they make sense.

By following these tips and tricks, you can improve your crossword skills and solve clues like “opposite of liability” with ease. You can also practice your crossword skills by doing more puzzles, either online or in print, and challenging yourself with different levels of difficulty. Crossword puzzles are not only fun and entertaining, but they can also improve your memory, vocabulary, and general knowledge. Happy puzzling!